We aim to be economically and socially beneficial by enhancing the lives of our clients, building a better society for the long term, and creating value for our industry. We adhere to the core principle of responsible investment by fully disclosing ESG information, evaluation, and implementation in the stewardship report.
ESG Investment and Risk Management Overview、Stewardship Report、 Proxy Voting Report、ESG Policy
Stewardship Report、 Proxy Voting Report、ESG Policy

Global Awards

Team Awards
Best ESG Manager
2024|Asia Asset Management
Best Climate Change Strategy
2024|Asia Asset Management
Stewardship Aqard (Best- in- class)
Carbon Reduction (Best- in- class)
Best Equity ESG Integration (Outstanding Achiver)
Taiwan Best ESG Manager
2023|Asia Asset Management
The 17th Golden Goblet Award
2023|Securities and Futures Institute
The 17th Golden Goblet Award
2023|Securities and Futures Institute
2023|The Asset
Sustainable Investing ETF - “Best-In-Class”
ETF Stewardship Award - “Best-In-Class”
Stewardship Award - “Outstanding Achiever”
ESG Integration Award - “Best-In-Class”
Taiwan Best Application of ESG
2022|Asia Asset Management
2022|The Asset
Sustainability Awards
Sustainability Awards
Sustainability Awards
Taiwan Best ESG Manager
2021|Asia Asset Management
Taiwan Best ESG Engagement Initiative
2021|Asia Asset Management
Outstanding Green Finance
2021|Securities and Futures Institute
Outstanding ESG and Sustainability
2021|Securities and Futures Institute
2021|The Asset
Sustainability Awards
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Commitment to Stewardship
Our purpose is to provide long-term value to our clients and promote sustainable business development through responsible investment and stewardship. We believe our commitment to stewardship aligns with the global trend and will continue to comply with the "Stewardship Code for Institutional Investors.
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Stewardship Milestones

  • Include unconventional oil and gas industry in controversial investment control.
  • Activate CathayQE engagement quantitative indicators.
  • 00878 awarded BENCHMARK Magazine - Carbon Reduction Award (Best in Class).
  • Conduct scenario analysis and publish TCFD climate risk management report.
  • Join the TCFD feasibility testing working group in SITCA.
  • Revamped ESG investment control process 2.0.
  • Share green finance knowledge on the Sustainable Finance Pioneers Alliance FB.
  • Joined the working group for the Financial Industry Net Zero Initiative.
  • Issued Cathay US ESG Fund.
  • Set up the sustainable office.
  • Approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.
  • Launched new version of ESG investment and risk management system.
  • Selected as the Best List of Institutional Investor Stewardship Information Disclosure of the TWSE.
  • Cathay FHC joined RE 100 and committed to fully use renewable energy by 2030.
  • Established the new fund carbon emission inspection mechanism.
  • Published the English version of the Stewardship Report.
  • Issued Cathay MSCI Taiwan ESG Sustainability High Dividend Yield ETF.
  • Initiated a low-carbon investment plan.
  • Won the 《Benchmark》 Stewardship Governance Award , 《AAM》Taiwan Best ESG Manager Award, 《AAM》Taiwan Best Corporate Engagement.
  • Adopt an international mainstream ESG database.
  • Won the first NTD 6 billion ESG mandate from Bureau of Labor Funds (BLF).
  • Implemented ESG integration on investment systems.
  • Published the first Annual Stewardship Report.
  • Listed as Signatories with better practices and compliances by TWSE.
  • Integrated Bloomberg ESG Scores into the foreign stock selection process.
  • Joined Climate Action 100+ and engaged with investee companies to curb emissions.
  • Organized the first Climate Change Forum.
  • Signed Taiwan Stewardship Codes in the first batch.
  • Held responsible investment training courses in the company.
  • Displayed proxy voting results on the company website.
Responsible Investments
We continue to invest in resources to strengthen our responsible investment. For instance, we created an exclusion and investable list, integrated ESG into the investment decision process, purchased research resources and databases, established exclusive ESG information and portfolio analysis platform, and built an in-house research team. In addition to the traditional fundamental analysis, we consider ESG factors in our investment analysis, allowing us to evaluate companies' investment value more comprehensively.
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Corporate Engagement
Subsidiaries of Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (Cathay FHC), including us, jointly formulate a group-level Corporate Engagement Policy to express the corporate sustainability beliefs and the value of corporate governance upheld by Cathay Group and to fulfill its post-investment responsibilities to exert a positive influence.
We believe the continuous improvement of investee companies is the best way to enhance both sides' value. Therefore, we not only evaluate the investee companies' management, strategy, operation, and corporate governance but also strengthen our internal research and analysis capabilities to provide ESG insights to investee companies to increase their value or reduce risks related to investment positions.
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Cathay Financial Holdings Climate Change Forum
Cathay SITE, Cathay Financial holdings and other CFH's subsidiaries organize the Climate Change Forum every year. The purpose of the forum is to provide invitee companies with opportunities to understand international and Asian trends, local policy directions and corporate climate change adaptation/mitigation cases.
Cathay Climate Change
Annual Forum Milestones
Statutory Disclosure
Sustainability Report
Climate Change Information
Corporate Engagement Record
Stewardship Report
Proxy Voting Guidelines
Voting Report
ESG Investment and Risk Management Policy
ESG Investment and Risk Management Overview
Other Reports, Policies
Statement of Compliance with Stewardship Code
Corporate Sustainability Principles

This document is solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as investment recommendations for specific clients. All content in this document is information of a general nature and does not address the financial circumstances and particular needs of any particular individual or entity. Therefore, information provided herein may not be suitable for all clients or investors. Readers should be aware that they are self-responsible for evaluating the investment risks and their investments. The making of this document is based on information which Cathay SITE deems reliable. However, Cathay SITE makes no guarantee of the entireness or correctness of the information contained in this document notwithstanding our efforts to use reliable and general information. Opinions or estimation contained in this document reflect the views when this document was made; Cathay SITE will not make subsequent notifications if relevant information or views changed. Cathay SITE is under no obligation to update the content of this document or follow up the analysis on the topics covered herewith. This document does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments. This document may not be copied, circulated, reproduced or distributed without the prior written consent of Cathay SITE.

Note: The funds have been approved by, or effectively registered with the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC); however, it does not represent nor mean that investing in the funds is absolutely free from risk. Past performance of Cathay SITE does not guarantee a minimum return of the funds. Apart from owing a duty of care as a good manager, Cathay SITE will not be liable for the profits or losses of the funds, nor guarantee a minimum return. Investors should read the prospectus carefully before subscribing. Investors may obtain the prospectus or simplified prospectus from Cathay SITE or the sub-distributors of the funds, or download it from Cathay SITE's website (, or the Market Observation Post System ( The fees borne by the funds are disclosed in the prospectus. Investors can also search in the Market Observation Post System. The economic forecasts mentioned herein are not necessarily indicative of the performance of the funds. Please refer to the respective prospectus for the investment risks associated with the fund.

Cathay China Domestic Demand Growth Fund, Cathay China Emerging Industries Fund and Cathay Mandarin Fund invest in regions including Mainland China, and may suffer from price volatility due to industrial cycle or non-economic factors. Also, the market mechanism in Mainland China is not as robust as that in the developed markets, the foreign exchange controls are more stringent, and changes in political and economic situation or laws and regulations are also greater, all of which might directly or indirectly impact the Fund's return.

Since non-investment grade bonds have credit ratings below investment grade or are not rated, and the bond prices are sensitive to interest rate changes, Cathay Global Multiple Income Balanced Fund may sustain losses due to rising interest rates, low liquidity, or an issuer's default on its obligation to pay principal or interest or filing for bankruptcy. The Fund is not suitable for investors who cannot bear relevant risks. (1) According to the investment strategy and investment characteristics of the Fund, the Fund has a higher level of risk and volatility, and is suitable for non-conservative investors who can tolerate more risks. The investment in funds with a significant exposure to non-investment grade bonds should not account for too much of an investor's portfolio. (2) Non-investment grade bonds have lower credit ratings or are not rated. The bond prices are subject to fluctuations as a result of issuers' earnings surprises, management changes, mergers and acquisitions, as well as increasing credit risk due to political and economic instability. Such price fluctuations may be particularly volatile in the case of negative news during the economic downturn. (3) The Fund may invest in Rule 144A bonds which are privately placed securities, and are inherently less liquid, has incomplete financial information, and lack price transparency.

Cathay Global Multiple Income Balanced Fund pays dividends gross of expenses. The distribution of the Fund may be paid out of income or capital. Any portion that involves payment from capital may result in a reduction in the original investment amount. Dividend yields are not the same as fund returns and past dividend yields are not indicative of future results. Fund NAVs may go up and down because of market swings. The dividend composition details are disclosed on Cathay SITE's website.

Cathay Global Multiple Income Balanced Fund may invest in Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC). For more information about TLAC, visit the website at